Do you need to replace your automatic opener? Before you choose a new model, take a look at what you need to know about garage door openers and your options.

Should You Choose a Chain Drive Model?

As the name implies, this popular type of garage option uses a chain mechanism to open and close the door. While this opener alternative is often loud or may seem clunky, chain drives are strong and can safely lift heavy wooden or multi-layer steel doors.

Along with strength, price is another reason to choose a chain drive model. While openers range in total price tag, chain drive options are typically the least expensive options. If you have a strict opener budget, discuss the chain drive alternatives with a garage door contractor. The contractor can help you to find a quality product in your price range.

Should You Choose a Belt Drive Model?

A chain drive opener isn't the only option for your garage door. Belt drive models use (as the name says) a rubber belt system instead of chains to open and close the garage door. These models are often more expensive than chain devices. But that doesn't mean a belt-drive model isn't worth the extra money. The belt drive opener is known for its quiet operation and durability. This option is ideal for households that have late-night or early-morning opener needs. In comparison to a chain drive, a belt drive mechanism isn't as likely to wake light sleepers up with use—especially if the garage is under or next to a bedroom.

Which Model Will Last Longer?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. In general, the average lifespan of a garage door opener ranges from 10 to 15 years. Whether you choose a chain or belt drive system, the higher quality the product, the longer it's likely to last. While you can save money and choose an inexpensive opener, upfront savings could result in higher repair costs or the premature need for a replacement. Discuss the quality of different opener options with a qualified contractor before you select a model.

Beyond the initial quality of the product, maintenance plays a crucial role in your opener's lifespan. Routine service from a garage door contractor (including inspection and necessary repairs or adjustments) can extend the life of either chain or belt drive mechanisms. If you're not sure how often to schedule service, visit websites like to contact garage door contractors. 
